Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pathology Condition 1.

Plantar Fasciitis
Condition 1
Due date.18 May, 2009 5 Jun, 2009 19 Jun, 2009
Hannah Howley

Plantar Fasciitis

• Description of the condition

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia and surrounding myofascial structures. It is a condition of the foot which is very painful. The pain that is felt by PF is felt on the heel of the foot and is felt most severely with the first few steps of each day. Its main location, also known as the calcaneus, is the common location for the stimulation that causes the pain. It is generally caused by faulty biomechanics, bad footwear and heavy landings.

• Incidence

1 out of 10 American adults are presented with PF each year.
PF is most common in athletes, such as runners.

Equates for about 10% of runner-related injuries, and 11-15% of all foot symptoms requiring specialized care. It is considered to occur in 10% of the general population as well. It can also be present bilaterally in a third of cases

• Etiology

The etiology of this condition is not clearly understood and is probably multi-factorial in nature. Weight gain, occupation-related activity, anatomical variations, poor biomechanics, and poor footwear are contributing factors. PF is caused by too much wear to the plantar fascia (or aponuerosis) that supports the arch of the foot or by unusual posture that may influence structure. A lot of athletes suffer from this condition. "Both amateur and professional athletes are at a higher risk, and it is especially common among athletes who run and jump a lot. More young people are getting involved in sports at an early age and are therefore developing heel pain sooner than many other people who are not as active." (Franklin Kase, It occurs when the plantar aponeurosis is stressed over a period of time in which is beyond the ordinary which could lead to pain and inflammation and possibly bone spurs. PF can also be a result of an injury.

• Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms for PF are limited but are gradual. It can often feel like a sharp pain in your heel and is more noticeable in the morning during your first few steps and can be triggered by long periods of time on your feet. Sometimes there may also be pain along the outside (lateral) border of the heel. This may occur due to offloading the painful side of the heel by walking on the outside border of the foot. It may also be associated with the high impact of landing on the outside of the heel if you have high arched feet.

• Indications for massage therapy

Acute phases of PF respond well to cyrotherapy (Ice) and rest. After the inflammation has gone, soft-tissue methods that address the connective tissue and sensible uses of stretching are valuable. Achilles tendon is highly irritable in this condition also as it attaches to the calcaneus as well so that has to be taken into account when massaging

• Contraindications for massage therapy

Not to be massaged if the foot has been aggravated or if it is inflamed due to overuse i.e. dancing. In the morning, it is bad for massage to occur because this is when the syndrome is most painful.

• Reference list
Marieb, E, N., Hoehn, K., (2007). Human Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Edition.

Sports Massage, retrieved June 5th, 2009 from

A client with PF

Franklin Kase, Athletes and Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain), Retrieved June 4th, 2009, from

Fritz,S (2009)., Mosby’s PDQ for Massage Therapists, 2nd Edition

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